bool_array.cpp | Code for class bool_array (packed boolean array) |
bool_array.h [code] | Header file for class bool_array (packed boolean array) |
class_level_lock.h [code] | In essence Loki ClassLevelLockable re-engineered to use a fast_mutex class |
cont_ptr_utils.h [code] | Utility functors for containers of pointers (adapted from Scott Meyers' Effective STL) |
debug_new.cpp | Implementation of debug versions of new and delete to check leakage |
debug_new.h [code] | Header file for checking leaks caused by unmatched new/delete |
fast_mutex.h [code] | A fast mutex implementation for POSIX and Win32 |
fc_queue.h [code] | Definition of a fixed-capacity queue |
fixed_mem_pool.h [code] | Definition of a fixed-size memory pool template for structs/classes |
mem_pool_base.cpp | Implementation for the memory pool base |
mem_pool_base.h [code] | Header file for the memory pool base |
object_level_lock.h [code] | In essence Loki ObjectLevelLockable re-engineered to use a fast_mutex class |
pctimer.h [code] | Function to get a high-resolution timer for Win32/Cygwin/Unix |
set_assign.h [code] | Definition of template functions set_assign_union and set_assign_difference |
static_mem_pool.cpp | Non-template and non-inline code for the `static' memory pool |
static_mem_pool.h [code] | Header file for the `static' memory pool |