Nvwa Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
__debug_new_counterCounter class for on-exit leakage check
__debug_new_recorderRecorder class to remember the call context
__nvwa_compile_time_error< true >
bool_arrayClass to represent a packed boolean array
class_level_lock< _Host, _RealLock >Helper class for class-level locking
class_level_lock< _Host, _RealLock >::lockType that provides locking/unlocking semantics
delete_objectFunctor to delete objects pointed by a container of pointers
dereferenceFunctor to return objects pointed by a container of pointers
dereference_lessFunctor to compare objects pointed by a container of pointers
fast_mutexClass for non-reentrant fast mutexes
fast_mutex_autolockAn acquistion-on-initialization lock class based on fast_mutex
fixed_mem_pool< _Tp >Class template to manipulate a fixed-size memory pool
mem_pool_baseBase class for memory pools
mem_pool_base::_Block_listStructure to store the next available memory block
new_ptr_list_tStructure to store the position information where new occurs
object_level_lock< _Host >Helper class for class-level locking
object_level_lock< _Host >::lockType that provides locking/unlocking semantics
output_object< _OutputStrm, _StringType >Functor to output objects pointed by a container of pointers
static_mem_pool< _Sz, _Gid >Singleton class template to manage the allocation/deallocation of memory blocks of one specific size
static_mem_pool_setSingleton class to maintain a set of existing instantiations of static_mem_pool

Generated on Mon Dec 31 15:07:32 2007 for Nvwa by  doxygen 1.5.1